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Modern Mississauga presents Ask The City - How do I see what job openings the City of Mississauga has?

Modern Mississauga and the City of Mississauga have come together to present an ongoing series called “Ask the City.”
We’ll share relevant information here and answer your questions about our city.

Today’s question comes from a reader who is curious about employment at the City of Mississauga.

How do I see what job openings the City of Mississauga has and apply for a job?

All available positions are posted online and can be easily sorted through key words. On the website, you’ll also find relevant information about the City’s culture, values and employee benefits.

With 250 business streams and jobs ranging from engineers to summer camp leaders, there is something for everyone at the City of Mississauga!

The online portal makes it easy to create custom job alerts based on your search. This is a great way to stay up-to-date with new job postings at the City through your email.

When applying for a desired job with the City, you’ll be prompted to create a profile.

Once your profile is complete, ensure you carefully review all of the skills and requirements necessary on the online application. Only candidates who possess these skills and meet the requirements will be considered.

You may also wish to add supporting documents to your application such as reference letters, awards or relevant work samples.

It’s a good idea to think ahead when it comes to certain positions. For example, you’ll see positions for summer camp leaders and lifeguards posted early in the new year, whereas positions for March break camp leaders and park labourers are generally posted in November.

Looking for more in-depth information about working for the City? Check out and follow the City’s LinkedIn page where current employees share their career stories.

If you have any further questions about launching you career with the City of Mississauga, you can view all of the FAQs here.

If you’ve got a question about the City, we want to hear from you!

Please send your questions to with “Ask The City” in the subject line.