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How to boost your mental health

Mental Health Week, May 1 to 7, is a time to learn, reflect and engage others on issues relating to mental health. Being mentally healthy helps you cope with the normal stresses of life, overcome challenges and build meaningful relationships.
To celebrate Mental Health Week, try out these tips to improve your well-being:

Stay Active

Get your body moving. Release those endorphins that make you feel good. Regular exercise can improve your well-being and reduce depression and anxiety.1 Take up a fitness class, head to your local community centre to workout at the gym or jump in the pool.

Take a hike

Find a trail, turn off your phone and enjoy the sounds of nature. Going on a hike can reduce anxiety, improve stress levels and brighten your mood.2 Head out to the Waterfront Trail, Rattray Marsh Conservation Area or Erindale Park for a stroll by the Credit River.

Take up a hobby

Take a break from school or work with some time to focus on yourself. Pick up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try to help ease your stress and anxiety.2. Consider joining a creative class like photography, dance or music to learn some new skills. If that’s not your style, try picking up a sport like golf, dodgeball or archery.

Help yourself by helping others

Get involved by giving back to your community and make a difference in the lives of Canadians with the Canada 150 volunteer challenge. Being helpful to others can introduce you to a new social circle, promote happiness and build confidence.3 Try volunteering by planting trees, helping out at one the City’s museums or cuddling with some furry friends at the animal shelter.


Nurture your relationships

Whether it's family or friends, having a good social support system can have a major impact on your mental health. Building a strong relationship takes effort, so grab your friends, family or partner and head out to one of the City’s museums, explore the parks or hang out at one of the big screen events at Celebration Square.