6 Reasons to drink water

The human body is about 60% water, depending upon gender, age and hydration level. Every part of your body needs water to survive, since every part of your body contains water – the brain is 73-85%, skin is 64-75%, lungs are 75-85%, kidneys are 78-85%, even bones are between 20-30% water.
What does all this water do for the body?

Good Internal Mechanics
Water has many roles to play in keeping you healthy, including protecting your organs and tissue. While blood is necessary for carrying nutrients and oxygen to every cell in your body, blood is 50% water; a lack of water will cause your blood to thicken and increase blood pressure. Plus drinking enough water is essential for the proper function of your liver and kidneys. In the worst case, kidneys can fail without adequate water. Water allows your body to adsorb nutrients easier, improving overall health, and even helps to reduce tooth decay by increasing saliva and removing germs from the mouth. 

Temperature Regulation
Having enough water in your body helps with internal temperature regulation. Water can be released through the skin as sweat when you’re too hot but needs to be replenished to maintain its cooling effect.

Smooth Moves
Cartilage is about 80% water and is found in the body’s joints and the spine. If you’re not getting enough water, cartilage reduces the ability of your joints to absorb shock, like the impact of walking, running, climbing stairs and the like. A lack of water can contribute to joint pain, while staying well hydrated for life will ease the aches of movement as you age. 

Looking Good
Water is a key factor in radiant skin. The simplest, easiest way to reduce the look of wrinkles is to stay well hydrated. Of course, your genes and sun protection also play a vital role, but water’s importance cannot be overlooked. 

Weight Loss and Maintenance
Just about every weight loss plan encourages water consumption. Some experts suggest a glass of water be consumed shortly before each meal to signal the body to feel full sooner, helping you to eat less, shed pounds, and keep them off. Adequate levels of water also improve exercise performance, another factor in losing weight.

Brain Gains
Proper hydration is essential for the important work done by the brain. Less than adequate hydration levels can affect your focus, short term memory, mood, and increase anxiety levels and confusion. Be sure to stay hydrated for the highest cognitive levels.

If you struggle with dehydration, there are alternative hydration treatments like IV therapy in Phoenix or any other needed location. These treatments can provide a quick and effective way to replenish essential fluids, ensuring optimal cognitive function and overall well-being.

Can you drink too much water?
The short answer is yes, but it would take a whole lot of water to be too much. So, reach for a water bottle, drink up, and enjoy the many benefits this essential drink offers.