6 Commonalities of sustainable success

Over the last 14 years I’ve had the pleasure of working with a number of people from varying backgrounds looking to take control of their health and fitness once and for all. Despite coming from varying backgrounds, and levels of experience most of our clients had many similarities, in personality, drive and determination, yet vast differences when it came to their progress and outcomes.

While this perplexed me for a while, I realized that I needed to dig a little further to see what the successful people had in common with one another.  

1. Insatiable curiosity
My most successful clients were always the most curious ones. Why this exercise? Why this supplement? Why do I feel better in some workouts than others? This curiosity leads to seeing every new opportunity, failure and success as a chance for reflection, evaluation and adjustment going forward. 

2. Habitual progress
It’s a fact that willpower is finite but what is infinite is the power of our habits. 

Good habits, developed intentionally, have the beautiful side effect of freeing up our brains and willpower to be focused on things we don’t want to but need to do, rather than things that should be a regular part of our lives. 

3. It’s a lifestyle not a destination 
When it comes to making progress with your health and fitness there’s no such thing as ‘being done’ with your health. The healthiest version of you is actually the person you are when you’re living your healthiest life. 

It’s not about a temporary change in behaviour, until you reach ‘healthy’. The solution is to start behaving as you’re already healthy - go for walks, save the wine for the weekends, cook one more meal a week - and make that a part of who you are now and going forward. 

4. Food matters
We live in a culture where everyday is an occasion to treat yourself. Appetizers and desserts are commonplace at every meal. 

Instead of jumping on the latest diet bandwagon try making an effort to eat foods you’re proud of most of the time (not all), and you’ll be well on your way. 

5. A supportive inner circle
Does your inner circle of friends and family support you? Do they encourage you to keep pushing on to goals that you have determined are important to you? An inner circle that wants to help you become the person you want to be is one worth keeping. 

6. A variety of outlets
It turns out, most healthy people don’t actually spend 7 days a week going to the gym. After all, what’s a better reward for mindfully developing your health than using your body for what it’s intended - movement. 

Try new activities. Learn new sports. Ride a bike. Learn how to ski. Take some tennis lessons. Go for a swim. Hike a trail. 

There’s no one special thing you need to do to reach your health and fitness goals. No magic pill you’re missing, or special diet advice that you haven’t heard yet. 

Your healthiest self is simply a journey that’s patiently waiting for you to take it. All that’s left is for you to decide if you want to take it and change or if you want to play it safe and remain the same.