Learn about Hina’s Morning Study Club

Peak Performance Coach and Former Psychotherapist, Hina Khan is opening doors to her successful and popular daily virtual Morning Study Club. 

Experience the power of an intentional daily morning routine. Start your day off in a high vibration that will carry throughout the day. When you engage, you can expect transformation and clarity.

 Hina will share powerful teachings that will propel you closer to your goal.
Join one or all of these three experiences, happening Monday July 11th - Wednesday July 13th  from 6am-7am ET (5am-6am CT)

If the timing is too early for you, you will be able to watch the replay when you wake up.

If you’re unfamiliar with this process, during these morning calls you will engage with the following helpful practices:

  • Taking time to write out your goal and/or a gratitude list

  • Exploring new concepts and have the opportunity to take part in the study in the chat box

  • Participating in a morning visualization into your future self or reflection

To be a part of this experience, you can easily register here to save your seat: