Modern Business Profile: Mississauga’s Impressionable Gifts & Decor

In conversation with Lydia, owner of Mississauga’s Impressionable Gifts & Decor, as she celebrates 25 wonderful years in business and serving our community. 

What inspired you to launch Impressionable Gifts & Decor?
A combination of things that fell right into place. Someone whom I worked for, my mentor, encouraged me to start my own business as he knew I had a bug for it. Something in me always wanted to own my own business and after working 60 hours plus for other businesses and feeling undervalued, I finally said enough and Impressionable Gifts & Décor was born. Initially I was going to open up a children’s clothing store!  Long story but thrilled I started this as I enjoy decorating and gift giving.  I really wanted to have a store where I grew up and live in Port Credit so when my first location was vacant at the time, I jumped for it.  Plus, my family and friends were and still are my greatest cheerleaders.  Everything fell into place; I could not fight the universe.

What's kept you successful over the past 25 years? 
My loyal customers. Because of them, I am able to continue what I love to do. Being passionate at what one does is also helpful.  I love that expression, “Do what you love, love what you do”. When you do, it never feels like a job. The challenge of finding new and affordable merchandise, especially being the first retailer either in Canada or Mississauga to carry a particular product, that is a thrill.  When I hear customers say, “I haven’t seen this anywhere else”, that makes me smile.  Working closely with my many suppliers has contributed to my success as well. After 25 years, they understand what I look for and my limited space, we work well together. I adore working with local artisans, there is so much amazing talent out there! As I like to say, ‘local supporting local’, keeping it in the community, it’s what makes us all thrive.

What's the most impactful moment over the past 25 years?
There have been many that I’m incredibly grateful for. Winning the Community Leader Award, Ward 1 Entrepreneur of the Year, Community Impact Excellence, Best Gift and Home Décor store, etc. For people to take the time to nominate a small business - that is an honour in itself.  Covid was financially negatively impactful for my business, like for so many. There was a silver lining as the business survived due to my wonderful customers.  Having to close for a total of seven months was super tough but my customers and community kept me going. Their encouragement, their phone calls, e-mails and messages to tell me to hang in, checking in on me, hearing time after time, “Lydia, we don’t want to see your doors close”, is something I will hold near and dear to my heart forever. I truly felt the love of the community.

What motivates you to keep going?
Everything. My family, friends and customers motivate me. Every day I open the door, it’s always a fun adventure.  I get to meet new people, assist them in finding that perfect gift, help them put an ensemble together, look for something fresh for their home, I unpack new merchandise weekly… it’s like Christmas most days! ‘m one real lucky girl; I count my blessings every day.

What do the next 25 years look like?  
More continuous fun!  I hope I can keep it going until I retire - which is a long way off. Continuing to volunteer as it always feels great to give back in some way.  It’ll also be very interesting to see what the new styles and trends will be like next 25 years.  I am looking forward to every bit of it.