7 Thoughts On WiFi 7: Why Exactly Do You Need It?

WiFi 7 is just around the corner. Click here to find out what it is and how it might improve upon WiFi 6.

Let's chat about Wi-Fi 7. According to reports, the IEEE standardization body will be releasing the all-improved Wi-Fi in just under a year – sometime between September and December. You're probably cozy with the Wi-Fi 6, for sure. But wait until you see what the Wi-Fi 7 has got in store. Here are 7 things to expect: 

Speed That Makes Your Head Spin

When considering the difference between Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 7, think about upgrading your bicycle to a jumbo-jet. We're talking about potential speeds of up to 46 Gbps. That's huge. It's like the next Samsung television going from 8K to 40K. Does 40K even exist? Maybe in a few years. But yeah, this is a big leap, and it’s going to change the internet experience for a lot of people, including…

Say Goodbye to Buffering

Have you ever been in the middle of a gripping show, and suddenly, it's buffering? Wi-Fi 7 is here to save your binge-watching sessions. It's not just faster; it's smoother. It's like having a superhighway for your data, so say goodbye to annoying loading circles!

All Your Gadgets, Happily Connected

Do you have a house full of smart devices? Wi-Fi 7 is like the ultimate party host. It's designed to manage a crowd, giving each device its little corner of bandwidth. So, your smart fridge, phone, and laptop can all get along without fighting for the Wi-Fi signal, like one big happy family. Aw, shucks!

Gaming and VR – Next Level Stuff

For you gamers and VR enthusiasts, Wi-Fi 7 is like a dream. Naturally, as gaming becomes more demanding on both hardware and software, and more popular – meaning there will be more people in your house playing the same thing and more people to connect to in huge servers and lobbies online – WiFi has to be built to take the load and allow players to thrive. Lower latency means your gaming sessions are about to get much more intense, with no lag to ruin your winning streak. Online PC games, play casino table games with crypto, online PS5 games – you name it, Wi-FI 7 will change it.

Business or Pleasure? Both, Actually

If you're running a business or working from home, Wi-Fi 7 is like having a personal assistant for your internet. There are faster speeds and less waiting for files to upload or download. And if you're streaming or scrolling, it's like having a personal express lane on the internet.

The Future-Proofing Factor

Investing in Wi-iFi 7 might sound like buying a ticket to the future right now, but it's all about future-proofing. You're setting yourself up for a world where everything is connected and online. It's like buying the best seat for the best show that's yet to come. This is especially true for businesses. Pretty soon, every business will be working from WiFi 7, which means consumers will come to expect faster speeds and even more efficiency. 

Tech Enthusiast's Delight

Picture this: you're in this elite club of tech enthusiasts, always a step ahead of the game. Upgrading to Wi-Fi 7 isn't just about boosting your internet speed; it's like grabbing a front-row ticket. Imagine the envy when hosting game nights, and there's zero lag when streaming the crispest videos, and everything's smooth as silk.

Still, it's really about stretching the limits of what you can do with your gadgets. Suddenly, you're the person everyone texts for tech advice. You're not just using cutting-edge tech -- you're shaping how people use it. Watching your smart home get smarter, diving into more immersive AR – that's the real thrill.

In a nutshell, for you tech enthusiasts, Wi-Fi 7 is more than just another gadget in your arsenal. It's like being a part of an exclusive circle that doesn't just follow tech trends – you're the ones creating them. You're not just riding the wave - you're making the waves in a sea of ever-evolving digital connectivity.

What About Now?

If you're wondering: Do I need Wi-Fi 7 right now? You should know that it won’t become readily available until later in 2024 If you’re seeing options to buy Wi-Fi 7 right now, they’re either false or beta tests, which we would suggest you avoid. In the future, however, Wi-Fi 7 will be a great upgrade, and definitely something you should at least entertain. Yes, the tech world moves fast, but expect WiFi 7 to be like 5G: you’ll notice the difference when you use it early on, and you’ll notice the improvements when you have it long-term.