7 Reasons to Get Raking

Each autumn, many of us seek the best spots to admire nature’s colours. Often photographed and enjoyed, and we are especially fortunate in Mississauga to have a plethora of picturesque places to observe this annual transition.
What is far less enjoyed is the work that comes afterward; raking and bagging leaves is rarely a task we look forward to. However, it’s got many benefits that may inspire you to get your rake out.

Less Mosquitos
Pesky mosquitos need to hide out during the cooler winter months, and decaying leaves offer a warm place for them to hide. Raking up leaves and removing them from your yard will encourage mosquitos to go elsewhere, so they won’t awaken in your yard in the springtime. 

Avoid Flooding
Speaking of mosquitos, they will also burrow into leaves trapped in your eavestroughs and downspouts. It’s a good idea to clean out both to get rid of these annoyances, and it will also prevent fall and spring rains from overflowing from your eaves. Continual overflowing can cause flooding and foundation damage so get out a ladder when you do your raking and clear your eaves and downspouts. Also, be sure to clear any gutters and storm drains in and around your property to keep them working properly.

Avoid Staining
When leaves are left laying on porches, patios, and some structures over the winter months, they will eventually rot. Some surfaces are susceptible to moulding and can be stained by leaves left sitting on them over the winter months. A power washer and cleaning solution may be able to remove some of the stains, but not all, so be preventative and rake up.

Keep it Growing
Raking leaves off your lawn keeps your grass alive. Grass needs to breathe and be able to absorb moisture, but a blanket of leaves can interfere with that. Given the cost and effort involved in resodding or seeding a lawn, raking is a far easier and economical option. Plus, rotting leaves can smell awful and can cause allergic reactions. To maximize the beauty of your yard, rake up all leaves every autumn.

While no one ever died from a falling leaf, a pile or blanket of fallen leaves can be very slippery under the right conditions. Clear sidewalks and walkways of leaves to prevent slips and falls, for you and your neighbours.

A Leafy Workout
If you’re still not convinced that clearing your leaves is a good idea, since most of the benefits or consequences happen down the road, raking is great exercise. You burn off 350-450 calories per hour, strengthen your arms and core, and engage muscles in your arms, chest, shoulders, back, and legs for a full body workout in nature.

For Fun
If none of these reasons leave you wanting to get out the rake, how about the pure joy some children and dogs (some adults too!) get when they run through, or jump in, a freshly stacked pile of brightly coloured leaves? While this play will create more work for you, fallen leaves do offer pure joy for some folks, and happiness is contagious!