Learn about Janice Ykema, Mississauga's Arts On The Credit's featured artist for March 2021

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The month of March sees us ‘escaping to the country’ to visit with lots of the 4-legged critters there, all with charming human characteristics layered on them by Janice Ykema, our featured artist for March. The solo show exhibiting work by Ykema will run through the month of March, 24/7 in our virtual gallery www.artsonthecredit.ca/gallery 

“My work is both expressionistic and painterly. I celebrate the medium of acrylics, using it to evoke emotion in the viewer”, says Ykema.

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She finds inspiration through her observation of humanity. Ykema’s desire to translate that understanding leads her to attach human qualities to her critters, always in a humorous way. When she utilizes living creatures, there can be a spiritual connection as well through an association with their intelligence, wit and/or their social dynamics.

“My story is simple.  I have always loved art, always loved to tell stories and ‘do” love to see people smile. If you put those three loves in a bowl and give them a good shake, you will come up with what I do,” relates Ykema.

She started off at the early age of 17, one of the youngest entrants accepted into the Ontario College of Art at the time. This young, protected, farm girl decided that marriage and romance beat out big city living, so twenty years of seasoning followed, two wonderful children, lots of moving and living on the west coast were included in this mix. Ykema returned to the College of Art and Design and finally completed her studies and graduated in 2005 and has not stopped creating since.

Arts on the Credit invites you to visit with all Ykema’s charming, humorous characters inhabiting the gallery during March.