2024 Mississauga Mayoral Candidate Profile - Nathalie Xian Yi Yan

Editor’s note - After several photograph requests, these were the only pictures this candidate provided.

With the upcoming 2024 Mayoral By-election happening on June 10th, Modern Mississauga Media has reached out to all candidates inviting them to answer the same questions so voters can become more familiar with them.
Invitations went out to all candidates on Friday, May 3rd.

Click here to read all of the Mississauga Mayoral candidate profiles and check back often as responses will be posted within 72 hours of receipt.

Candidate answers are unedited and their contact information is at the bottom if you’d like to connect with them.
Click here to learn how to vote in the Mayoral election.

1. Why are you running for Mayor?
I am deeply committed to serving the people of Mississauga and addressing the issues that matter most to our community. 

I believe in fostering positive change and ensuring that Mississauga continues to thrive as a vibrant and inclusive city.

2. What makes you stand out over other candidates?

  1. My extensive experience in community engagement and leadership roles.

  2. I have a proven track record of bringing people together to find innovative solutions to complex challenges.

  3. Additionally, my dedication to transparency and accountability ensures that I will always prioritize the needs of Mississauga residents above all else.

3. What are your campaign priorities and what's your approach to tackling them?
My campaign priorities include addressing infrastructure needs, promoting affordable housing, enhancing public transit, supporting local businesses, and fostering a safe and welcoming community. 

I will approach these priorities with a collaborative mindset, working closely with stakeholders and leveraging resources effectively to achieve meaningful results.

4. What budget item is the most important for Mississauga?
The most important budget item for Mississauga is investing in infrastructure, including transportation, roads, and public facilities. 

A well-maintained and efficient infrastructure is essential for the city's growth, economic development, and quality of life for residents.

5. What are your three favourite aspects of Mississauga?

My three favorite aspects of Mississauga are its diverse and vibrant community, beautiful parks and green spaces, and strong spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.

6. How will you be actively supporting our local businesses if elected?
I will actively support our local businesses by implementing policies that reduce barriers to entry, providing resources and support for small businesses, and promoting local shopping initiatives.

Additionally, I will work to attract new investment to the city and create opportunities for businesses to thrive.

7. What does Mississauga currently excel at?

  1. Mississauga currently excels at providing a high quality of life for its residents, with excellent amenities, recreational facilities, and cultural attractions.

  2. The city also boasts a strong economy and a diverse and talented workforce.

8. How would you communicate with residents and what communication standards can voters expect?
I will communicate with residents through various channels, including town hall meetings, community forums, social media, and regular updates on city initiatives. 

Transparency and accessibility will be paramount, and voters can expect open and honest communication that keeps them informed and engaged in the decision-making process.

The candidate did not provide a website or social media links.