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6 ways to boost your YouTube channel

Youtube is growing daily, and everyone wants to become YouTube famous. But in order to make it far, you need to know how to keep your audience entertained.
Here are 6 ideas you can try out when starting your YouTube channel

Introduce Yourself

In order for you to become a well-known YouTuber, you must tell your viewers a little about yourself.  Start your first episode with a Q and A. I mean, don’t you want your new fans to know who you really are?

Do A Challenge

Challenge videos have been the latest trend on Youtube. Although some challenges are outrageous, there are a couple you might want to try.  For example; the ALS ice bucket challenge, which promotes donations for a good cause. There's also challenges like the cinnamon challenge, which allows your audience to get a glimpse of your silly side and they will be sure to subscribe and keep coming back to your page.

DIY and or How To videos

Teaching people new things is a great way to create and engage your audience. Better yet, why not show your viewers how they can do stuff using their own resources instead of having to buy extra materials. One great example is how to make a sock bun in your hair, without having to go out and buy a special hair sponge.


With your fans giving you views, one way you can give back is by doing giveaways. This allows you and the viewer to connect more and you'll know they'll always have your back.

Replying to Comments

Taking time out of your day to answer some questions from your fans goes a long way. It shows your fans that you do take time to answer their questions and that you do appreciate their support.

Be Creative

For every episode make sure you have some new content. This will help your audience stay focused and loyal, without getting bored. Who wouldn't want to watch an entertaining person who's constantly coming up with new and trending material?

Although there are famous YouTubers who take posting videos and updating their channel very seriously (because it's their career), remember that having a YouTube channel is all about having fun and connecting with people around the world.