Modern Artist Profile: Mississauga's Polarity

In conversation with Mississauga’s Polarity.

How has Polarity stayed active through the pandemic?
We’ve been taking the down time from shows to write and record. We’re releasing a new acoustic tune called “Hello Sahara” on February 1st to our loyal fan base who’ve been so patient with us.
We’ve also used the pandemic to unplug and focus inwards. 

MM28 Page 14 & 15 Polarity Image 2 Photo Credit James Nicoll.jpg

As an established presence in the Mississauga music community, what advice do you have for newer bands/artists?
Respect your bandmates and the people you work with. Without each and every one of them, you can’t do what you love. Nobody want’s to work with egos.

What do you have planned for 2021 music-wise?
Release new music. We’ve got new tunes ready for the studio which we’ll record live off the floor and accompanied with in studio videos.  Live off the floor is something we haven’t really done before, so it will be nice to give our fans new music with a live feel.

What are you most proud of as a band?
Our growing fanbase in the Toronto music scene. It’s such a hard city to crack and local bands have a hard time pulling large audiences.  Luckily, we’ve always grown our audience there. Our last Lee’s Palace show was packed with a mosh pit going past 1am during the headlining slot, and that’s saying something! Also, the amazing industry talent we’ve worked with who we have great relationships with including Grammy winning producer David Bottrill, master of mastering Joao Carvalho, and producer’s Darren Magierowski and Jill Zimmermann of Jukasa. We’re very lucky to have the support and belief of our fans and industry heavy weights.

MM28 Page 14 & 15 Polarity Image 1 Photo Credit Wayne Baggs.jpg

Polarity's bio includes "challenging the current understanding of popular songwriting." Can you elaborate on that?
We’ve always written music that speaks to us , including weird song structures and odd time signatures, so we push the boundaries of what’s considered “mainstream”. Often times we hear “I don’t really listen to this type of music….but I really like what you guys do” and to us, that’s a huge compliment and mission accomplished.

What's your message to inspire and lift up others in the new modern world?
Stay kind, don’t judge others, and unplug from the chaos of whatever disturbs your peace. When you tune into what truly feeds your soul, you’ll find yourself living a more authentic experience and that alone will feed your desire to inspire others to do the same. Not only will your world improve, but so will the collective.