Modern Artist Profile: Mississauga's Mauve

In conversation with Mississauga’s Mauve, winner of the 2023 Mississauga Music Award for Best Online Content.

1. How would you describe your style of music to a stranger?

Right now I have been diving into dreamy and ethereal indie pop sounds. I love experimenting with different styles of electro-pop music. There are so many emotions and atmospheres you can paint, and different sounds you can infuse together.

2. Congrats on winning Best Online Content! How did you build your substantial online community?

Thank you so much! I think posting consistently has really helped me to get a steady stream of support. It's important to set the time aside to dedicate to producing creative videos because that's how you can really expand your audience to people around the world. My main strategy is to share singing covers of songs so people can see my own unique spin on a song that they may already be familiar with. It's a good way to get people engaged.

3. How do you approach songwriting; lyrics or music first?

Mostly it is an emotion that comes first, and that could be either lyrics or music. It's really whatever that springs out of me and that I want to latch onto and go with. Sometimes it is a melody that pops in my head as well as a few lyrics to accompany it. I quickly record it on my phone and usually I go back to it to keep expanding on the song concept I can up with.

4. What motivates you musically?

The feeling of connecting with others live is really motivating. It is so nice to perform and see friends and families coming together, singing along with you and enjoying the moment. Nothing beats that feeling. It's an incredible moment of sharing something that we can all connect and feel together.

5. If you could write a song with any one person, alive or no longer with us, who would it be and why?

Lisa "Lefteye" Lopes" from TLC has been my #1 inspiration in terms of creativity and perseverance. She is no longer with us but it would be amazing to have been able to create something with her. She is my favourite lyricist and has inspired me so much with the words and stories she was able to convey.

6. What do the next 12 and 24 months look like for you musically?

I have a new song I am going to be releasing at the beginning of November. I also have lots of live sets coming up. People can stay updated on those shows here.

7. What succinct advice do you have for other aspiring musicians?

It is something you really have to stick with if you want to see a lot of growth and development. How far you want to go depends on the commitment and time you can dedicate to sharing your creativity and going out of your way to meet new people who can help support your journey. And don't be afraid to take a time to pause and really dig what sound and style you want to share!