Modern Health - The importance of being proud


When it comes to health and fitness as a society we’re constantly looking for the next and greatest life hack. Is there a new diet our friend is raving about that we’re convinced might work for us? Maybe the new fitness app that’s guaranteed to help us bust through that plateau is the missing key? While we’re at it should we buy that new meal replacement shake or diet tea to help us keep the cravings at bay so we can finally reach our goals this time?

The ugly not-so-secret truth of the health and fitness industry is that more often than not the same people that pitch and sell you all of these products aren’t actually customers. They often have different motivations behind getting you to try the newest products and programs. 

Now this isn’t to say you can’t find success with some of these, and also let’s not forget the fact that trying new things is often a great way to keep your brain engaged with the process of building new healthy habits. 

This is, however, some low hanging fruit that often gets overlooked when it comes to reaching your health and fitness goals and it’s two words that I feel often don’t get used often enough - “Be Proud”. 


Be Proud - of any small accomplishments along the way and let yourself feel and enjoy the moment. 

Did you shut down Netflix and go to bed 30 minutes earlier? Be Proud. 

Did you make the decision to skip the wine after work on a weekday and opt for a glass of water with dinner instead? Be Proud. 

Did you go for a brisk walk instead of sitting on the couch? Be Proud. 

Did you skip ordering in for cooking a healthy meal instead? Be Proud. 

Did you only have two cookies instead of ten? Be Proud.

Did you drag yourself through a workout that you really didn’t want to do but finished it anyways? Be Proud.

Allow yourself to feel pride when you make small decisions that are marginally better than what you would’ve done otherwise. Don’t get caught up in the race to be perfect or to be like ‘those’ people you see on social media. 

All progress is made with small steps in the right direction and allowing yourself to feel a bit of pride every time you are moving forward is a key component of long term progress. 

Be Proud.